This film work was created for MPDLab’s new performance in 2022.
It mainly consists of the following elements:
•  Fragments of a documentary film that records the creative process between a Kurdish women’s unit (they live in Japan to escape discriminatory treatment in Turkey) and the theater company.
•  Strange images inspired by the works of the Japanese artist Kyosai Kawanabe (1831–1889) who is an ukiyo-e artist and Nihonga painter.
•  Various images related to the themes of the entire performance: light, sky, words, stars, and open space.
header photo: mikomex
For this performance, I made a large screen that is so thin and slightly transparent that it sways in the wind. In addition, I created interactive stage art together with the sound designer and stage coordinator. 
As a result, in one scene the image is distorted by the wind, and in another scene the dancers create a new movement while maintaining a relationship with the image. 
With this self-made screen, it is possible to vague the boundaries of the frames of images, and also to gently connect the physical things such as performance and objects with the immaterial virtual images.
photo: mikomex
出演:Denge Jine Japan 亞弥 河崎純
Cast:  Denge Jine Japan,  Aya,  Jun Kawasaki
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